OK, That Was Awkward

This is posting is short & sweet and is about me having an epic fail.  Wow...wow, wow, wow.

I decided I was going to be a nice wife & while Hopson was sitting at the computer doing some work I would swoop in & give him a kiss.  I know kids, it's gross, but hey how do you think you got here?

Anyway...I go to give him a kiss and POW!  I get bonked in the head.  We headbutted each other.  Yeah, like I said...fail!  Please tell me I get at least a few sweet wife points for trying.  Some much for me being spontaneous. 

They say, no good deed goes unpunished; I'm starting to believe them.  :)  We did better the second time after we stopped laughing & my head stopped hurting.  He got his peck on the lips & we had a good laugh at my expense. :)

Celebrating Life & Successful Kisses!


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