Have Hands, Will Serve

That should be the new motto of my state & city.  I stand in utter amazement this morning as I read about all the acts of kindness.  Is there anything more humbling than being served by someone?

There have been pleas on FaceBook to rescue elderly grandparents, children, stranded motorists.  Churches opened their doors; neighbors opened their doors; businesses packed people in.  There were friends who abandoned their cars to start walking home last night, and stopped to rest at restaurants that were slammed with customers.  You know what they did?  They became servers!  How great is that?  (Kim & Jason)  Have hands, will serve.

This morning an alert went out that there was a good Samaritan that didn't make it home last night & he was not responding to calls or texts.  He is also diabetic.  Oh yeah, and it dropped down to 17 degrees last night.  SCARY!  You know what a group of people did?  They formed a search party. (Steve, Shelia, Mike, Marc, John & the W's)  Thank you Lord that I live in a community that cares.  They found him thankfully, alive.  They helped emergency responders carry him up a ravine and he is now in a local hospital.  Have hands, will serve.

Teachers...mother hens.  Reading books, giving snuggles, reading goodnight books.  Keeping middle school and high school kids entertained, safe and warm.  Many of them have children of their own that they couldn't be with because they couldn't leave their classroom kiddos.  From the bottom of this momma's heart, thank you.  (Connie, Carla, Jessica, Mark, Jennifer, Sally, Melinda...just to name a few)

To all the guys with 4 wheel drive trucks helping others, you rock!  (Hopson, Steve, Mike to name a few)  Have 4WD, will serve.

There are days I'm glad I can multitask.  I may not be out in the ice & snow, but if  you need help I can hook you up with someone who can rescue you.  I can give you a warm safe place to stay & a hot home-cooked meal or two or three.  It reminds me of 1 Corinthians 12:11-20.  It doesn't matter how small you think your role is, it makes a difference.  God gets all the glory anyway, so who am I to say my small part isn't important?  Have hands, will serve.

To all of you out there who have hands & have served.  You are my heros!  I love being a southerner.

Celebrating Life & the love of servants,



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