The Anti-Father's Day

I love to take a few minutes each day & just kinda scroll through Facebook.  I love looking at people's pictures, reading from some of my favorite political blogs, funny memes, and even taking a few, some, OK, a lot of those stupid quizzes by buzzfeed.  There are a few times of year that I've decided I don't like getting on Facebook, and Father's Day is one of them.  One thing before I go any further, Hopson thinks Facebook is from the devil.  (He feels that way about Instagram, SnapChat...really all forms of social media.  I think there are days he wished I didn't blog, he hates it when I write about him.) 

I didn't post pictures of Hopson yesterday for Father's Day.  I didn't post pictures of my dad for Father's Day & I didn't post pictures of my father-in-law, Walter, for Father's Day.  You know why?  Because I think Mother's and Father's Day are stupid holidays.  There I said it!  Whew!  And you know what, I really do think that.  Why do we need to set aside to show our appreciation to parents?  It's like me expecting Hopson to show me more love on Valentine's Day...ugh, I hate it.  

For 23 years I have not had a flesh and blood dad.  He's been gone more years than he was part of my life.  Yes, I understand that's depressing.  Yes, I know that he still loves me, but it's just not the same as hearing it come from his own lips.  I do have a wonderful father-in-law who loves me & I know prays for me, by name, everyday.  What more could a daughter ask for?

So this Father's Day, I'm giving the men I love the most, nothing.  No pictures of you with our children, and no cards or words saying how you are the greatest dad.  No showers of gifts.  Just another day of you doing what you do best:  being a man and showing our children what a man and dad should be.   I hope the gifts we give you daily are the ones you love the most.  May we bring you honor, make you feel loved & be a blessing to you.  

Celebrating Life!



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