Pretty is...

Hello dear readers; long time no write.  I have been writing, just not on here, but that's a different subject for another time.

I was scrolling through social media today.  (I hate social media, have I ever said that?)  Well, I do, and when I get on it, I keep asking myself why am I here?  Don't I have laundry to wash/dry/fold & put away, or a dishwasher to unload, or dinner to cook, or toe jam to get up off the floor?!  Apparently not, because I just kept on scrolling.  I'm trying to really limit my time on FB, except for I Mom So Hard, those 2 are hi.lar.i.ous!  Their new one on bathing suits must not be missed.

Ok, well that was a little rabbit trail, sorry!  I was looking at several things on Facebook:  1. pictures from my youngest's 8th grade banquet & 2.  a blog posting from another mom.  I'm just going to discuss #1 & have 2 thoughts on the subject.

First, the 8th grade dance pictures.  Everyone looked very cute, but for the life of me I still don't understand why we push our kids to have boyfriends/girlfriends in middle school.  I admit I had one, and looking back on it, I wish I hadn't.  In my opinion, it's just dumb.  (and we are warned in the Song of Solomon not to awaken passions before it's time.  Have you ever read that book in the bible? It's a little steamy.)  The point of dating is to find a spouse & I hope my middle schooler isn't looking for a wife yet.  I'm happy if he remembers to bring home his dirty gym clothes to be washed every week.  We have high expectations.  (insert big smiley/laughing with tears face emoji here.)

I know this will hit a nerve with MANY & I'm #sorrynotsorry.  Please don't insult me & tell me they all went as friends, because that is not the truth.  There were corsages & boutonnieres & that makes it a date.

Second, several posted that the group was just so pretty.  I will agree with you.  Your children are beautiful...on the outside.  Some (notice I'm saying some & not all) of your children though....  I've seen how they act when you're not there & if pretty is as pretty does, you may want to take a closer look.  I've seen things subbing at the middle school this year that would rip your heart out.  Mean kids suck.  If you know me, I'm not going to tell you anything about your child.  Your kids need to know teachers & subs watch and hear a ton & some of it would singe your ears.

I'm the first to admit my kids have times when they are not pretty.  Heck, I have times (more than I care to admit) that I'm not pretty.  I can be downright ugly.  With myself, I have to remember my people are watching me & I don't want to be a hypocrite with my integrity or my Savior.  We have worked hard to hold our kids to the same standard.  I couldn't care less if my kids are the smartest, best athletes, or most popular in school.  I care if they are kind.  I care if they stick up for people who can't stand up for themselves.  I care that they LOVE BIG & GIVE BIG.  They can because they know they are loved for who they are & not what they are.

Please mom & dad, don't look at your child and mistake what they do for who they are.  Help them realize that they have so much to offer our world.  They to can love big & be so pretty while they make our world a better place.

I'll write about the other posting I read hopefully tomorrow because it's a doozie.  It had Elizabeth's hackles all up.  Apple...tree, yeah.

Celebrating life & am feeling thankful today!



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