When I Grow Up
If you're not familiar with the Real Care Baby, it is supposed to simulate...a real baby. (insert shocked face with wide eyes) It cries, and you have to figure out if it: needs to be fed, or needs its diaper & clothes changed. (hold on the baby just started crying. Ok, I'm back. She is hungry.) It goes off at random times. Some people have babies that will wake up a ton during the night & others have quite a bit of work during the day.
Now in reality, this is just a taste of what parents go through when they bring a newborn home. There is so much no one tells you. But after "babysitting" while Harry is at work, I've found out that I'm going to be a great mom when I grow up. I've had an easy time with this baby.She sleeps and eats well and doesn't need to be burped. She hasn't needed a second diaper change immediately after I just put on a new diaper. I haven't been barfed, pooped or tee-teed on while I've been babysitting. I don't really need to talk or sing to her. I don't need to hold or bounce her. If she cries, it will only be one of three things that she needs. Cake.Walk.
I'd like to see some of these kids with a baby that wakes up every hour and a half to be fed or one that has colic. (Ashley M. I'm thinking about all the walking Jim did with Hannah.) Hold on again, the baby is starting to cry. Diaper... Anyway, this has been good practice for a mom that hasn't had to deal with a baby in a long time. My baby will be 13 in June so I'm a little rusty. But, at least I know I could pass the Real Baby Challenge. :)
Celebrating Life & rockin' the momma thing,
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