Pretty is...
Hello dear readers; long time no write. I have been writing, just not on here, but that's a different subject for another time. I was scrolling through social media today. (I hate social media, have I ever said that?) Well, I do, and when I get on it, I keep asking myself why am I here? Don't I have laundry to wash/dry/fold & put away, or a dishwasher to unload, or dinner to cook, or toe jam to get up off the floor?! Apparently not, because I just kept on scrolling. I'm trying to really limit my time on FB, except for I Mom So Hard, those 2 are hi.lar.i.ous! Their new one on bathing suits must not be missed. Ok, well that was a little rabbit trail, sorry! I was looking at several things on Facebook: 1. pictures from my youngest's 8th grade banquet & 2. a blog posting from another mom. I'm just going to discuss #1 & have 2 thoughts on the subject. First, the 8th grade dance pictures. Everyone looke...