The Happiest Days

The happiest days are the days when babies come!   
~Melanie from Gone With the Wind

Today is a happy day...well it really started yesterday.  Yesterday my parent's 7th grandchild was born.  My younger brother, Cotton, had his third child.  He's now in the big time.  It's interesting when you go from man on man to zone coverage.  You parents of 3+ kids know.  If there is silence, something bad is going down.  But I know that the happiest of days are the ones when babies are born.

I was scrolling through my sister-in-laws pictures and loved seeing all of the ones of their older two with the new baby.  It made me think back to when all of my chicks were little.  I was fine until I saw one picture.  It is a picture that broke my heart.  I'm going to admit my selfishness upfront, right now.  It was a pic of her mom with the new baby.  I realized that it is a picture my mom and dad will never have.  And for some reason today, the grief from that blindsided me out of nowhere.  They will never cuddle, read to, cheer for, or kiss their grandchildren's faces.  No stories will be told, and the only  history given will be what we remember.  And today, this makes me sad, and I feel their loss so heavily even though we've been without them both for over two decades.  

We have a few pictures of my older two with my mom, but she was sick most of the time when they were so little, and she passed away when my oldest was 3.  My dad never got to meet his grandchildren.  I hope they would be happy seeing how the branches of their tree are blooming.  I looked at the picture of my niece holding her new brother and saw my mom's face smiling back at me.  I always thought she looked like Leah, my sister-in-law, but I also see my side of the family.  She's bound to be mischievous with my momma's smile shining through. 

I'm not writing this for sympathy, it's just a reflection of my thoughts right now.  I am writing it for you who still have your parents and children.  Hug them all & tell them you love them.  I am so grateful to have caring in-laws.  I have ones who pass on history to their grands, and have cuddled, read to, cheered for, and kissed cheeks.  I want my children to continue their legacy of love and service.  

I pray many blessings over my brother, sister-in-law, and his young and growing family.  I pray the branches of their tree become full with life and love.  Because, the happiest days are the ones when babies are born.

Celebrating life everyday & remembering with love,



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