One of Those Mommy Moments

I've had some really heartwarming mommy moments this last week. One in particular I have to share. Now, I will admit that there are some songs we sing in church that I like better than others. I like them all, but some just move my spirit. I was in church with Elizabeth on my left & Henry on my right, and this song started to play. It's one of my favorites! My heart was so full, and then I looked out of my peripheral vision. My most fervent prayer is that my children would have encounters with the Living God. I pray that He would touch them and they would know without a shadow of a doubt that He loves them and wants a relationship with them. I pray that they will choose to follow Him all the days of their lives. I know He is faithful, and has already given me answers to more prayers than I can count. I look and my children are singing and worshiping and smiling. How could my heart not be full? How could my h...