Walking Across the Room

I know this is my third post this week. And yes, I'm just as amazed as you are. But something happened to me today & yes, it relates back to my Honduras trip. Each morning, someone would give a devotion/message/challenge. One morning, one of the men challenged us to, just walk across the room. He is reading a book by the same title & told us that for each person it would look different, but as believers we're called to share Christ. If you are shy, walking across the room (WATR) may be you talking to someone you don't know. It might be sharing your testimony or praying for someone you just met. WATR is recognizing the moments God has placed you in & using your life moment for His glory. Well, today I had one. Through a series of unimportant events, I ended up at the FedEx distribution center in Birmingham. A box my company was shipping was going to a nonexistent address & I had to get it so it wouldn't end up bein...