
There are days I really love the town I live in and at the same time really hate it.  Even though it's a midsize city, it can be like living in a small town.  Everyone knows your business.  And, everyone is willing to crawl all up in it and share it with everyone.  It can be a real big pain in the behind.

Except for days like today.  It's today that I remember why I live here.  It's days like today when I cry because I live in a community that surrounds, loves, and takes care of its own.  (We will love you to death if you let us.)  I remember that I live in a place where we'll hit our knees for you in a heartbeat, bring you dinner (thankfully I didn't mix the tomatoes with anything else), clean your house, take your kids where you need them to be, and bug you to let us do more for you!

Those of you who live here know what I'm talking about, and you're probably laughing and shaking your head.  It's a well oiled machine, and we run it like no body's business.  It's also really fun to see everyone's gifts.  We all have different ones & it's during this time that they shine.

I'm so glad I know people who love to bake, because I am horrible at it.  I love people who are super crafty and make anything they do look beautiful.  I love people who have the gift of empathy and are willing to help others carry their burdens.  I love the bossy people who are so organized that they laugh in the face of a mountain of tasks.  I love the encouragers, because they drink from the cup that is half full and help you look from a different perspective when you need to.  Of course I love people who can make a mac daddy meal.  During a crisis they will make you something magical & you decide you may never cook again.  You have those that you are certain have a direct line to God's ear.  Technically, we all do, but you think they may be one of His faves.... They are the ones you want laying hands on you and praying.  You have the joyful ones that just make you laugh even when you're going through hell, and you have those you know you can call on to cry with you when you need someone to cry with you.

Yeah, we got'em all right here, in my town.  If you don't have a bunch of busy body, up in your face people in your town, I'm so sorry.  While there are a few days a year I want to crawl into a cave and live life as a hermit, I have to admit that I love my town & I love my people.  We're really more like family.

So, Rebel fam, good night, God bless, and good job today!  Keep praying and loving each other.

Celebrating life!


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