
Showing posts from January, 2015

Woman, Know Thyself

This is an older pic but it's one of my faves. My favorite daughter, E. Yesterday I posted Rules to Date my Son .  I'm sure some people didn't think it was very funny.  Was it meant to be satirical?  Yes.  Was it meant to be serious?  Yes.  Hopson said I was a little heavy on making my sons' girlfriends miserable.  (Note to self, 1x is plenty.  And, I'm not really going to be that mean, yeesh.)  I don't want or like to be mean.  It takes to much energy.  I like to be the happy me.  :)  See, I'm smiling...sorry, rabbit trail. We are living in an age where there are many who want to feminize men.  We want them to express their feelings.  We want them to be more nurturing.  Well, if a guy is already that way, great.  But if he's not naturally that way, don't try to force him to change.  (Hence Rule #6)  I don't expect the young ladies who date my sons to be more manly.  It's just sill...

Sister, You Got Rules Too

Hop & some of his Dance Marathon friends in college.  Everywhere on the web you can find rules to date my daughter.  And, I do mean everywhere.  When you start typing "rules to date" in Google, 4 of the 5 will be female related.  It's true, we do have to watch out for our daughters, but in all honesty, I'm also worried about my sons. The one & only Harry... Sometimes you don't see straight when the love goggles are on.  We've told all our children that if we say something about someone  you bring home to meet us, it's not that we don't like them.  We may see a level of crazy that you can't see through said goggles.  Hopson & I are pretty doggone good at finding crazy.  And no, in this case it's not "it takes one to know one".  We're weird, not crazy; they are two very different things.  But beware to all who come to my home, I'll find out if you're crazy... Henry (on the right) & his friend ...

The Legal Age

One looks the same & the other looks very different... 21 years.  No bar crawl; no drinking games. (thank goodness)  Just a nice dinner and flowers for me. Last week Hopson & I celebrated our 21st anniversary.  Wow, 21 years.  That's a long time.  I've been married almost 1/2 of my life.  It's gotten to the point that it's hard to imagine myself as ever being single.  He's like that really comfy pair of broken in slippers.  Nice analogy I know.  :)  But it's true.  A great pair of slippers are warm and soft, and they just make you happy when  you get to put them on.  Hopson will wear his out in public.  They look like camo shoes, so it's easier to get away with wearing them. But, as any couple who has been married over 20 years will tell you, it's not all sunshine and roses.  Marriage is hard work.  It's two people who have been raised in different households coming together to blend tradit...

Are You Drunk...

...or just on your phone? Dear person driving in front of me this morning, I just wanted to let you know that I thought you were either drunk, which, if that's the case, it's a little early to be hitting the sauce; or you were texting/emailing on your phone.  Yes, I'm talking to you in the light green Honda minivan with the 1B***** tag.  (I have the tag number, but won't post the entire thing.)  You may wonder what great methods I used to figure out what you were doing?  Well, I happened to have my hands at 10 & 2 on the steering wheel & was able to use my sense of sight.  Wow is all I can really say.  (I was extremely focused to get where I was going this morning!)   1st, you kinda sorta ran a stop sign just past the high school.  With around 2K students trying to make their way to school, and half of those children being fairly new drivers, I would say you put your life in serious peril.  And when you went down the hill, yo...

Almost Nothing is Sacred

I think I have OCD, and I think it has kicked in BIG TIME.  I like things orderly.  Everything has a place & should be put into that place.  Unfortunately, I have 4-5 (since Hop is in AU most of the time it's hard to count him as a full time home dweller.) who work against me all the time.  I have been nesting like no body's business, and nothing is too good not to go.  Well, almost nothing.  I always nested every time I was pregnant....  And before you start thinking anything, just banish those thoughts right now, because I'm not pregnant.  No more little babies for this momma.  Give me teenagers. Any-who, so this craziness started right before Christmas.  My closet was a little cluttered, so I spent a few hours cleaning it out.  Oh, it looks so much better, and I felt better.  As we were getting ready to go skiing, I reorganized all our ski gear.  The children had outgrown a lot of the old gear, but I still had i...

Birthdays, Cold Weather & Ski Pants

The last two weeks have been CrAZy!  Oh wait, our weeks are always crazy.  :)  Because of what we did over Christmas vacation I have some definite opinions about a few things.  I know, hold your comments, I have opinions about pretty much everything.  Here goes... This reminds me of a Christmas Carol. We left Christmas day for Park City, Utah for the fam to take our vacation skiing.  We are usually spring skiers, but because Hop's spring break is different from the other three, Harry had the idea to go at Christmas.  We left the 25th so I didn't really decorate the house for Christmas.  I put out our favorite decorations, but I didn't put out everything, and it was all packed up before we left.  I didn't even wrap any presents.  I love Christmas, so this part was hard for me to swallow. All my peeps skiing on the 26th. We arrive in Utah to it snowing.  It was in the 20's, which is cold but manageable.  My first hic...