The Anti-Father's Day
I love to take a few minutes each day & just kinda scroll through Facebook. I love looking at people's pictures, reading from some of my favorite political blogs, funny memes, and even taking a few , some , OK, a lot of those stupid quizzes by buzzfeed. There are a few times of year that I've decided I don't like getting on Facebook, and Father's Day is one of them. One thing before I go any further, Hopson thinks Facebook is from the devil. (He feels that way about Instagram, SnapChat...really all forms of social media. I think there are days he wished I didn't blog, he hates it when I write about him.) I didn't post pictures of Hopson yesterday for Father's Day. I didn't post pictures of my dad for Father's Day & I didn't post pictures of my father-in-law, Walter, for Father's Day. You know why? Because I think Mother's and Father's Day are stupid holidays. There I said it! Whew! And you know what,...