Let Them See You Dance

I have MANY things in my life to be thankful for. Much more than I deserve. Today is Harry's birthday, he's 17, where did that time go? Hopson's birthday was yesterday, I won't tell you how old he is, but he's one year older than me. If you need to know my age, click here . :) I was able to do something earlier this month that was one of the coolest things ever. I love to dance. I always have. My friend Steven, who was my boyfriend in middle school, used to put his hand on top of my head to try to stop me from dancing. My theme song back then was, All She Wants to Do is Dance . You know, not much has changed. I hear music & I just have to dance. (granted, things to move quite like they did 30 years ago.) So does Elizabeth. I'll be cooking dinner; music is playing; E & I are dancing around the kitchen. Yes, it's a personal problem, but a good one if you have to have a personal problem, but...