Yeah, I'm Superstitious

It Saturday.  I'm working on a lot of different things today.  I'm watching college football.  Life is good!

On a normal day, 99% of all commercials on TV really bug me, but today I saw one that I can really identify with.  It's a little scary, and I hate having to look at myself so closely.  I don't like to admit it, but I can not tell a lie.  I am superstitious.  Here is the commercial that at first made me really laugh & then think...wait, I'm like this.  Not in a crazy bad way, but in a tiny little bit way.  Just in case you couldn't get enough of the superstitious commercials, here's another one.

The superstition begins Thursday.  I'm the senior mom who gets food for the linebackers.  I pick up something different every week, and I have to have it to the school by 2:20.  Every position group has a mom that does this.  I love it.  I get the food & have a quote of the week.  They have to have their food and quote...quote and food.  It makes me feel like I get to play a small part every week.  Now we move onto Friday.  Every Friday night, since the season started with the jamboree game, I have to be wearing my Rebel pin, Rebel scarf (even when it was 100 degrees outside), and I have to have my camera.  I've done this for the last eight weeks and the team is 7-1.  You want to know why we lost the one game?  My Rebel pin fell off my jacket & I didn't have it for that one game.  We found it thank goodness & I've worn it every Friday.  I am not messing with the mojo.

I wish I could find some mojo that would help my beloved Auburn Tigers.  It's been a very rough season for them.  They are opposite what the high school team is.  It makes me sad, so I've been focusing on my beloved Rebs.

We're done with 8 & have 7 more to WIN STATE!

Celebrating Life & my quirkiness,


  1. You are a funny lady and I love it. Don't stop wearing your Rebel pin!


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