Don't Tell Me You Love Me
There are so many who make these vows, and then quickly forget them when the difficulties of life hit the proverbial fan. It's easy to love when the going is easy. It's another when your slogging your way through life, marriage, and children. I have been blessed to witness so many whose vows were a way of life. They weren't words; they were actions. Today I went in to get my crazy hair cut and highlighted. I'm sitting there with my hair pulled through a cap (I look like a lionfish), bleach smothered on my hair and cap, and a clear shower cap on top. Yeah, it's a rockin' look. We're all talking and I look over to see an older lady shuffling towards a chair get her hair washed. This is a common sight because there are women of all ages who come into the beauty shop. It's what happened afterward that had me in tears. As she is walking, I noticed she had a belt on and her husband, a younger woman along with the hairdresser hel...