Great...That's Just Great

Nice dent...
Well, I had an interesting day today.  Yes, the children started back to school today & I was going to talk about them going back to school & how I was so excited for them.  But today was another chance to prove what a dork I am.

I had just finished exercising for the day.  I'm feeling great.  I'm running some errands, one of which takes me by my friend Tahara's house.  I jump out of the car get what I need (Thank You T!)  and I'm off to get home, take a shower, and get some work done before I have to drive carpool.

The glass was shattered all the
way down into the door.

You know what I did instead?  I was able to spend some quality time with the mailman after I run into his mail truck.  Yep you read it right.  I backed into the mailman's truck; put a nice big dent in the door; and shattered the window all the way down inside the door.  Nice grace.  I wasn't worried about me, because I can work later tonight, but I made the mailman get off his timing of delivering the mail.  With it being the first day of school he was trying to be efficient so he could get home early to spend some time with his children on their first day of school too.

Wow, I want to crawl under the pavement.  I apologized so many times, but it didn't help him deliver his mail any faster.  We waited and waited for his supervisor and the police to arrive.  They both did; the accident reports were completed; mail was passed from one truck to the other; and as I went home to try to cram in some work etc. while he tried to complete his route, and get home to his fam.  I hope he finished in time to spend some quality time with his children.  I hope they had a better day than their dad did; hit by some crazy lady who wasn't looking hard enough to see the truck behind her. 

Oui.  Oh well, tomorrow is another day!

Celebrating Life!


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