Summer Blast...Day One

Worship; Day One; Summer Blast 2012

Today began Summer Blast 2012 at my church.  (VBS for those of us over the age of 10.)  We had, we think, at least 2000 children.  Yes, that is 2000.  It was awesome & incredibly insane.  I've seen more than that many teenagers worshipping together before, but to have that many children is indescribable.  I have to say I think, of the entire day, worship was my favorite.  Our church's worship team played, and it just took it to a whole different level.  It's the difference between listening to a song on your ipod and going to the live concert.  The two are incomparable.  The live version is so much better.

We have the most amazing children's pastor & leaders in our church.  (Love you Mrs. Beth & Ms. Natalie!)  The planning for something of this magnitude did not just happen willy nilly.  It's months of working logistics, ordering supplies, recruiting workers.  It's months of prayer and having the willingness to go where God is leading.  I love working with kids & love to encourage people who are afraid of working with them.  It's so fun when that child that was crying joins the group and you see them having fun.  I love it when the child that is shy makes new friends.  My heart is moved when a child gets who Jesus is, and becomes a follower for life.  It is just amazing to be a part of something like it. 

Each of these children is a miracle and is a child of God.  Just in case you don't think they are, this is what God says about each of us:  "See, I have written your name on the palms of my hands."  Isaiah 49:16a  Some translations say engraved.  When I think of the word engraved, I think of something like an engraving on a trophy or statue.  It's more than just on the surface, it's permanent.  I write notes on my hands all the time so I don't forget them, especially if they're important.  God is telling us that we are important to Him, important enough for Him to write our names on His hands.  So beautiful. 

Today was such a blessing, I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds!  God is amazing!!!

Celebrating Life!


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