Summer Blast...Day Two

So yesterday I mentioned that worship is one of my favorite parts of Summer Blast.  I have to say it still is.  Today I wanted to listen to the theme song for VBS, so I did what my children would do & looked it up on youtube.  I had a hard time finding it.  When I looked up the the name of the curriculum, and clicked on the music I noticed rather quickly that their theme song and ours was not the same.  Hum...I'm not surprised by it, but for real, I need to find it!  Oh great, that means they changed the music, and I have no idea who wrote the rockin' song we're using that I can't get out of my head.

I'm serious.  It's playing a continuous loop in my noggin.!  I emailed Anna, who works in our children's ministry department, to find out who sings the song.  I knew she would get back to me asap; thank goodness!  A few minutes later I received my answer.  Whew, I'm so excited I can't stand it!!!  I know I have you on pins and needles now to hear the song. 

If you're not wanting to hear the song, you should be; it's a phenomenal song.  It has all the elements needed to make it one of those that is a classic.  A song that, when you hear it, you remember where you were the first time you heard it.  I love the words; I love the beat; I just love the whole thing.

Our worship band plays it live during morning worship.  Love it! 

I love SB.  We're having a great time loving on kids & telling them that nothing is impossible with God!  Good stuff there!

BTW, if you want to hear the song, it's called "Look Up" by Gateway Next.  It just makes me want to get up & dance!  The beginning of the song is not part of our version, but when you hear the rock and roll, we start there.  :)

I hope you enjoy listening to it.  If you like the song, you can get it on Itunes.  It's all for your listening pleasure!!!

Celebrating Life!


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