He is Risen

Did you know that the early church moved their services from Friday to Sunday so they could celebrate Jesus' resurrection every week? I was reminded today at church that the same power that raised Jesus from the grave lives inside of us. The devil would love nothing more than for us to not realize this. He does not want us to know the plan God has for us.
If you don't know what God's plan is for your life, it's for you to be in a relationship with Him. Through this relationship He will reveal His purpose for your life. And just in case you're wondering, He does have a purpose for you. He has a plan, that was made in advance for you. In case you think you can't be forgiven for something in your past, know that is a lie. God loves nothing more than to give his kids another chance, and He would love for you to come back to Him.
It will be the best decision you ever make.
Celebrating Life in the Risen Christ!
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