It's a Nothing Day

I'm going to admit that today's posting is boring, and I'm not excited about it.

It's hard to write about life when it's one of those days where nothing noteworthy happens.  It was a nothing day, just the same old same old.  Here is some of it in a nutshell:  up early, workouts, getting children ready for school, carpool, purging some closets, wash clothes, pick-up tuxes, bought birthday gifts, lunch/enter stats, answer work emails, carpool, homework, grocery, dinner, clean-up, watch movie (MoneyBall, very good movie & I've been wanting to see if for a long time), and write blog posting.  After I am done writing this posting, I am going to bed.

I like seeing everything written down that I've done in a day.  I was a little panicked today when I looked at my list & realized I had not done anything on it.  I'm a list maker by nature, and have been known to add things to my list I've done during the day and then scratch them out so I can feel a sense of accomplishment.  I know it's a little weird, but like I said, it makes me feel better.  Well, I'm going to put up my clean clothes away before I go to bed.  Maybe I'll have a little more time to be productive tomorrow.

Celebrating Life!


  1. I do the EXACT same thing about adding things to my list just to cross them off! :)


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