It's the Beginning...

...the beginning of Hop's last year of high school. Every time I think about it I start to cry. He's been our little guinea pig for so long, and we've learned so much parenting from him. Both the good and the bad. He's never complained about being the oldest, and we're honest with him that we've been learning how to be parents too. Sometimes he benefits from our inexperience and sometimes he doesn't. He's served as a wonderful example for his brothers and sister. He has brought us so much joy. Today has been a busy day. We received his senior portrait form telling us the date and time. Not ready, I'm not ready. I've sent in the form for his baby, or in our case, little boy, picture to appear in the sports book for his high school. I had to email what we want written under the picture. You'll be glad to know I was not too wordy, it was difficult, but I was clear and concise. (I tend to write a dis...