Let's Hear It for the Boys! (and the Girls)

finally getting tapped
Today's posting is going to be me bragging.  Sorry if you don't like it, but hey, it's my blog & I can write what I want.  :)

Today was the National Honor Society's tapping for this year's junior class.  I received the call yesterday that Hop was accepted.  YEA!  Let's hear it for the Nerds!!!  In all seriousness, we love nerds in this house. At the reception, I found out that there were 150+ juniors tapped today.  That is over 1/3 of Hopson's class that were tapped for NHS.  That is totally amazing to me.  I am so proud of these kids I could just bust.  They are the biggest group of overachievers I have ever met.  I say that about them with love.  I don't think any of them are average.  Even the children who didn't get into NHS have something special about them.  And yes, I'm biased, but I've been watching these kids for a long time, and have been watching them challenge themselves and each other.  There's just something special about them.  The whole class does everything at 100% all the time.

Hop & his favorite mommy

Hop was the 148th person tapped today & a lot of friends were tapped too.  They all mentioned that they loved watching him squirm in his seat.  He and another guy were the only two left in two rows of people.  His friend was number 153.  He said after the tapping that he thought I had lied to him & he was not very happy about it.  I like a good practical joke, but that's taking it a little too far.

Hop & Hannah
born 2 days apart

After Hop came home from school yesterday, I casually mentioned for him to wear a collared shirt today.  He looked at me square in the face, quirked his brow & asked me if I received 'the phone call'.  I'm not a good liar, so I said 'maybe'.  His grin split his face in two, and he rolled his eyes and shook his head.  I smiled and said 'Congratulations'.  What am I supposed to do?  Let him go to school looking like a ragamuffin?  Um, no, sorry can't do that.  This morning was a little weird;  Hopson came home from early morning football workouts, had a shower & then proceeded to have a fashion dilemma.  All was ok, he ended up wearing one of big Hopson's shirts.  He looked handsome, and frighteningly grown up.

Tyler, Joe Joe, Chase & Hop
As I sat in the auditorium at my Alma Mater, I looked at all the family members gathered to watch the tapping.  It was a great moment for me to share with every parent.  There were so many people who came to celebrate both their own children and what the entire group had accomplished.  I wish I could tell my parents, they would be so proud.  Hopson's parents were so excited when they called to congratulate Hoppy.  It's an honor he earned.    

Molly, Joe Joe & Hop

Am I proud, you know it!  But I'm more proud of the man of God he is becoming.  What a blessing you are Hop.  I love you more than words can say, and you mean more to me than you'll ever know!  I love your friends too, they are near & dear to my heart.  :)  I loved celebrating the wonderful achievement with y'all today.  I am blessed beyond belief!

Celebrating Life & working hard towards a goal,

Notice the numbers.  :)
Hop, Will, Ansley & Mary Morgan

Hop & Allison
McClain & Hop
McClain was Hop's cheerleader this year


  1. THis is AWESOME!!! So proud of Hopson!!!

  2. How wonderful! A staff member from VHHS sent me the list of all those students tapped and I LOVED seeing so many of my former students' names on it! Please tell Hopson "Congratulations!" for me!


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