My Archenemy

On my birthday I did myself a favor & decided to start a diet.  Yeah, I know, what a great birthday present.  It's not that I'm obese, just pleasantly plump, and to be honest I don't want to be.  Because there is no time like the present, I started my diet, and guess what...there's an app for that!  It tracks my calorie intake and exercise. It's really great, and it's a free app.  It's called 'My Fitness Pal'.  Learn it...Use it...Love it!

I'm gauging my weight loss by my ski pants.  I'm not worrying about how much I weigh (number sensitivity here) but how my clothes fit, and in particular my ski pants.  Last year I went to put them on & couldn't get them completely zipped up.  Ugh, I hate ski pants.  You know why?  They are made for people who are stick thin & they have no Lycra in them.  Lycra is my best friend.  I don't need it in large quantities, just between 2%-4%.   It lets my pants give just a little in the places where my body stores the extra weight. 

My try on day is every Wednesday.  I'm getting closer.  I can get them zipped up, and they are only tight in one area, but it's a biggie...right across the hips.  So, if I take a tumble...goodbye seam.  Well, I'm going to finish my workout now...taking one step closer to the goal!!!

Celebrating Life & losing weight!


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