Going the Wrong Direction

Today I was coming home from Georgia & visiting my sister.  I was just driving & not thinking about where I was going and realized that I missed my turn.  The GPS did a quick recalculation & I'm so glad it did!  If we hadn't been going in the wrong direction, we would have missed this...


There's a song by Jason Morant called Love Song that comes to mind when I see creation shouting out the glory of God.  Believe it or not, I took these pictures with my phone.   When we finally made it back to the right road we saw the next picture.

The Heart

Elizabeth & I had a beautiful drive home.  The sun was beginning to set off to my left & God painted a beautiful one for us.  My dad's favorite time of the day was sunset & so is Hopson's.  I think of them both everytime I see one.

A Bend in the Road
This was a bend in the road. As we came upon it I knew this would be the picture I ended this day with. I am so thankful for the beautiful ride home. It blessed me so much & made the trip go quickly. Sometimes going in the wrong direction is not so bad after all!

Celebrating Life!


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