Where is Your House

God's timing never ceases to amaze me.  It's always perfect. 

Today we were talking with the 11:30 group of SideKicks at church about weathering the storms of life.  We told them they had two choices:  to try to stand on their own two feet, and be like the foolish man who built his house upon the sand; or be like the wise man and build the foundation of their house on the Rock.  (are you singing the song yet?) Not 2 hours later, this phrase come back to me...

I am selfish.  Things for our family are great right now.  I have a new nephew who is healthy and beautiful.  My brother and his wife are doing well too & finding great joy in parenthood.  My children are doing great.  Husband is as fine as ever.  With all my blessings, I forget.  I forget others are hurting.  For some, life stinks, and they are ready for 2012 to be over with even though it just began.  Like I said, I'm selfish.

God reminded me about home foundations today after church.  A group of us had the privilege to pray with a mom who is going through some hard times and making hard decisions about her child.  Her life is not teacakes and roses.  As we heard her story and felt her pain, God reminded me that I always need to be looking up; keeping my eyes on Him.  We were able to pray and speak words of life over this mom and her son.  We wanted them to know that this burden is not theirs to carry alone; that the entire body of Christ is there for them both.  It was a humbling experience to stand and pray with her.  One I won't forget for a long time. 

So, where is your house?  Always looking up to Him and...

Celebrating Life!


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