I Found it on Ebay

I love to shop, but I hate to try on clothes.  I think I would like it better if I was tall and willowly, maybe like a runway model, but as Hop's friend's like to remind me, I'm short.  I'm not complaining, just stating the facts.  5'2 is not excatly scraping the ceiling, unless you're standing around a group of kindergarteners.  It's all good though, God wanted me this height, so I'll be happy with it & wear really tall shoes.  :) 

Some years ago I discovered Ebay.  I have made some great finds.  Pants, dresses, shoes, you name it, I might have found it there.  Weird Al Yankovic did a parody song called Ebay.  I've acutally looked up some of the stuff he mentions in his song.  Found some, but for some reason the kleenex used by Dr. Dre was not on there.

So, on my birthday, I decided I wanted a new purse.  I found a super cute one that would match at least 50% of everything in my closet on Ebay.  It was great!  Happy birthday to me, I buy the purse.  I can't wait to use it because, it's just too cute.  Finally it arrives; I rip open the bag and pull off the dust jacket and this is what I find...

...um, this is not a leather handbag.  This is a furry bag with a cat face.  So, I get on my Ebay page & send the seller a message saying they sent me the wrong bag.  I took pictures and emailed it to them so they would know I wasn't lying trying to get a two for one deal.  They asked me if I just didn't love the bag!  I could even keep it, and they would only charge me half price.  Great, I can keep a purse for half price that I will never use.  I think I would be too afraid that I would frighten small children with this thing.  I gracefully declined their offer & just wanted them to send me the purse I ordered.  After a few more emails back and forth, they finally told me they were sold out of the bag I wanted, but I could keep the purse & use it as a throw on my bed.  What?!  Um, no, can't put that on my bed, too creepy.

Luckyly, my sister-in-law loves cats so I'll give it to her as a joke.  HEHE!  Oh well, sometimes you win & sometimes you don't.  But, I got a great laugh from it anyway.

Celebrating Life!


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