No Complaining Zone

Whenever we go on vacation as a family, Hopson always declares it to be a no complaining zone.

Well, I'm going to do that over my life...starting right now.

To be honest, my life is cake.  I have a wonderful husband, 4 healthy children who are active and becoming independent; and a job that is pretty easy.  We have a comfortable life.  If you wondering where this epiphany came from,  I ran across a blog of someone who has twins who were born with a rare genetic disorder; spent their first eight months of life in the NICU, and will be undergoing kidney transplants in the very near future.  We also have several families in our community who have lost their moms or dads this year.  Like I said, my life is cake.  Being in a no complaining zone is often about perspective.  So here is my perspective for today...

Today I'm going to be thankful for the dirty clothes/sports gear/dance clothes/shoes/lacrosse sticks & ball/ and legos thrown on the floor, because that means my children are healthy enough to be active to have those to throw.

Today I'm not going to roll my eyes when I spy a mess of crumbs, or a dirty plate or cup the children leave out because that means we have a home and enough to eat and drink.

Today I'm going to be thankful when my children need to use the computer to do their homework, because that means they are taking their learning seriously and want to be productive citizens.

Today when I have to redo an excel spreadsheet I will be thankful because someone trusts me enough to do a fair and good job for them.

Tonight as my husband snores; then wakes me up so I can tell him to put in his snoreguard I'm going to be thankful because that means he's here and breathing. 

Perspective...I needed complaining.

Celebrating Life!


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