Take a Picture, It'll Last Longer

And some pictures will never go away.  For today's Farcical Friday, I wanted to post some really funny pictures I found.  What boggles my mind is that someone said to themselves:  "Yes, let's take the picture & I'm going to ____________."  You can fill in the blank with what you see below.  I know seeing these will make me think twice about what I take pictures of.  Oh, thank goodness for people like the ones you see below.  Sometimes you just need a good belly laugh!

This posting got started by this one picture. I've been holding on to it since Christmas & every time I see it I die laughing.  It looks eerily close to a friend of mine.  (those who know him will die laughing)    For those of you who don't know him, don't you just love their Christmas sweaters & him comparing his tummy to hers?  One of those 'What were you thinking' moments.

Because of this picture above, I decided to search for other funny pictures, so here you go...

Since Hop will be sitting for his senior portrait this summer I loved these poses.  What were their mother's thinking?

Thank you Olan Mills for all the great memorable pictures over the years!

Pregnancy pictures... sometimes you should just say NO!  (There were some I really wanted to post, but they were just too scary.  I think I've scarred myself for life!)

Celebrating Life & funny pictures!


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