They Smell Like Cookies & Dirt but Mostly Dirt

Varsity practice...Hop is 8.
Why is it that boys smell?  I took Henry to lacrosse practice a few weeks ago, and walked by the Varsity & JV lax team, and there was this really bad guy smell surround them.  When I say bad, I mean, it was bad.  When I stopped & told Hop's friend, David, that they all smelled, he made the comment that Hop was the worst & needed to wash his gear.  I told him I would make sure it happened.

I was sitting with a group of moms from Henry's team and we were talking about how smelly boys are, even at a young age. One of the moms, Heather, made the comment that boys smell like cookies and dirt, but mostly dirt.  I could not stop laughing.  It's true!  They smell bad, but it has a sweetness to it.  It's a cookie swee, and very weird when paired with the stentch.  Hop left his cletes in my car over night & the smell could knock you down.  It took me some time to figure out where it was coming from, but Harry was driving & as soon as I sat in the passengers seat, I found the origin.  Ew, it was disgusting!  As soon as we arrived home I promply removed the offending articles from my automobile.
JV practice...Harry is 5.

We washed Hop & Harry's lax gear & I have to say it smelled much better.  Dead Down Wind is a great product, and will get bad guy smell out of anything. 

Well, it's off to another lax practice...I love lacrosse!  My mantra is to just 'hit'em with your stick!'  I'm still learning all the rules.  Here's to the smell of cookies & dirt!!!

Celebrating Life & another day of lacrosse,


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